Ram Maheshwari Logo Image
Clara Tsao

Unified Retrofits : E-Robot Prize Winner

View the competition announcement here

This product aims to simplify the process of identifying and addressing building exterior energy leaks by integrating drone scans, AI analysis, and robot arm repairs into a single platform. The platform will enable construction managers to quickly identify energy leaks and generate an energy report summary with potential future savings, while offering property owners the option of using robot arm repairs to fix the issue. By integrating all of these services into a single platform, this solution will streamline the repair process, save time and resources for construction managers and property owners, and make the process more cost-efficient.

cover image of Unified Retrofits, a winner of the E-robot prize

Project Overview

Partnered with Lamarr.AI and FLX Bot, Gensler tried to create a platform that bring all three innovative technologies together for the competition in short amount of time. I joined the project team in the last month before the deadline to quickly put together branding and UX solutions to make the project stunning.

This project focuses on proposing an innovative and intuitive solution for construction industry with the latest technology.

My Responsibilities

Date - March 2022 – April 2022 (1 month)
Team - Designers, Engineers, Project manager, Partners
Role - User Experience Design, Visual Design

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe AfterEffect

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